Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Lego Batman Movie review

Today i just watched The Lego Batman Movie and all i can say is that i didn't understand a thing but no kidding during the projection i kept saying in my head "what's going on here? What just happened?" it was only after the end of the movie that things got clearer (i think i didn't understand because i watched it in french, it's not that i don't understand french in the contrary i speak fluently french, it's just that there were some jokes that could only be  reprised in English for example butt-mobile and Bat-mobile if you translate it to french you get "prout-mobile" and that doesn't rime with "bat" so it's not funny anymore and plus at the cinema, we could barely hear a laugh even if it was funny so i guess that the jokes in English aren't as funny in french even though it's the same movie).
I really liked the beginning with the heart broken joker who just can't make batman admit that he is his greatest enemy and then batman singing he's batman, that's surely the best moment ever "nananananananana Batman!". But it was also sad to see how Bruce was lonely and scared of being a part of a family again, he was so afraid to lose it like he did before with his parents (Martha Kane and Thomas Wayne), and i also liked the reinterpretation of Richard Grayson; big eyeglasses, brown hair color... looks like a nerd, and um.. his optimism, wait he already has that. I begin to understand why they chose Richard over all the others robin ( a reason other than being the first Robin), i imagine if they had put damian💭 he would probably be the one who explodes Gotham City not Joker. And i also found funny the access code to the batcave being"iron-man sucks" my head was like " oh Snap!"

I was so into the movie that i almost cried in the end even though i didn't understand its jokes i just tried to peace it up with the trailer and translate it in English so that i can get it and it worked.
Here are some of my favourite quotes (from the trailer and the funny character interview below;-)

Batman: I really don't need anyone at any time ever, because i'm totally awesome and batman works alone.
Robin: Come on Batman let's get grooving.
Batman: Fact is i'm a team player, so i stay cool as long as they don't bother me or touch anything of my stuff.
Joker: Hey Batman, i'm rubbing my butt all over your stuff, we gotta rename this the butt-mobile. Well obviously i'm batman's greatest enemy no matter how much he may deny it, so when the studio asked me to be the main villain in this movie, i met the chance to work with him again. i mean let's face it there is no Batman without the Joker😴... and what i love about this movie the most is that it finally takes the time to explore my sensitive side, i mean yes i am a master criminal/ improve comedy genius BUT i'm also a nice guy and once batman finally realizes this i won't be just smiling on the outside i will be smiling on the inside too and that would be a nice relief...
Batman: HAHAHAHA hilarious!
Batman: This movie has everything: action scenes, chase scenes, building cool stuff, explosions, batman running, batman building, batman saving the city. I mean everything.
Alfred: Experience the very emotional story of a young English with the dream that he has held since childhood to become the most popular butler, the most famous butler.
Batman: In the end, everyone loves and respects me forever which i think is important, we're like a....
Robin: Batfamily!!
Batman: family might be a bit strong, i was gonna say more like me and my biggest fans
Batgirl: or you and your awesome team!
Batman: It's called the Lego BATMAN movie, just saying.
Robin: Oh you're such a great 'padre'
Batman: What're you doing?!
Robin: trying to give you a big old hug.
Batman: ah, thought you were attacking me.

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