Friday, February 24, 2017

Review Super Sons #1

Just read Super Sons, no other word can express how i feel than "Wow". My gosh, I've been waiting for this book since its announcement and it was worth it, i'm still overwhelmed by it, just Wow.
I really love Damian and love how he interacts with Jon (he's still learning so let it go with the flow), I think that he should definitely find himself some friends and who better than the son of his father's former enemy, yep what makes Lex Luthor... their baby-sitter? hmm... That's weird and original !
Not going to spoil, shouldn't spoil, but who am i kidding?! It's a review so let the fun begin.
First, we get to see Kid Amazo and Blablabla...
then guess who? Damian on Jon's back and fighting some robots that look like them↓↓
LOL, Jon should definitely keep making fun of Damian being short (though he's still cute) ;-)

So then we see Jon waiting for the school bus then getting in it and starts to fight with some bullies. Later that day, they all start a snow ball fight (bullies vs Jon, Kathy and Alan) but the first side put rocks in the snowballs trying to make it more "interesting", fortunately Jon and his friends had an "angel" on their side like said Kathy or a ... Demon: Damian, who was disguised as a school bus driver saying that he was bored so he wanted to see how the other half lives (other half lives??😕) and then Jon asks Robin if he hasn't got classes back in Gotham and the other answers that he's home-schooled and shows him a mask that the other instantly recognizes and discovers that Robin faked being his substitute teacher last year which makes him amazed saying that he should've had the nerve to teach earth science to an entire class and the other replies that if his mother hadn't killed his professor he would've had his doctorate in Geology at seven years old, then Jon tries to mock Damian about when he learned to drive "eight years old?" he said but Robin corrects him that he actually learned it at five years old and puts his mask on to drive the students home.
The next page shows Damian training in the Batcave and Bruce going out earlier but when Robin starts to prepare himself to go out on patrol with him, Batman punishes him for blowing off his home study session but the other replies that he already know everything, after Batman asks Damian if he had given him his word about his studies and told him to keep it, then goes.
Then we get the Kent family or "Smith family" who unlike Bruce and Damian enjoy a happy and funny evening playing cards until superman goes out for a justice league mission. Then Damian suddenly came out of nowhere and  showed up in Jon's room while the other was trying to sleep then they start to argue but Damian reveals that he came so that Superboy can help him in an investigation.
The two super sons are then seen jumping over Metropolis and climbing Lex Corps skyscraper where they are caught by Lex himself.
I don't know about you but i'm not a big fan of this kind of drawing but i must admit that it fits perfectly with the comic. Jorge Jimenez did a great job in drawing Damian an Jonathan ,they two look cute and awesome. I'm not a big fan of the drawing of Bruce unmasked cause it doesn't make him look strong but kind of fat, and he is known for being handsome. But Jorge totally succeeded in drawing superman and Lois, we immediately recognize them.
Finally after more than four months of "the waiting process" (like would say Starfire) i am satisfied, What about you? let a comment and let me know about your thoughts about this book.

oof, rocks that must hurt

Damian to save the day, good job Damian that's why i love you so much😍

Are you that short Damian that you should wear that thing (whatever that is) to be at Jon's height. But don't worry i am also the short ( another Starfire reference) but not that short just normal.

what a prodigy you are Damian! Climbing mountains at four, kill sharks underwater in a swimsuit, take off the spook and tiger's head, drive at five, doctorate at seven Wow. My head is like"Syntax Error"

Easy Damian.

What a father-son relation you two have! But honestly that's your fault Batman, Damian has sacrificed lots of things to be with you and you still ignore him?! Why are you more close to Duke Thomas than to your own son?! I sincerely think that DC should add more Bruce/Damian in some stories cause even though their relationship developed during the Batman and robin comic book series they've like rebooted all their progress and now you all ask why is Damian so lonely, anxious and self confident?! you guys have to understand him, If my father was Batman I think i'd be in Arkham asylum long ago, at least Damian has a soft side that he hasn't shown yet but he has it so for God's sake UNDERSTAND HIM!!

 At least Jon hasn't got a family problem
Self-confident I like it!!

Jon you little Pinocchio!!!

Damian do you know you're a bad influence? just wait for daddy supey to get home 

"You'll never see me piggy-packing on your narrow shoulders" yeah that's right so now you're saying that we're blind, weren't you on Jon's back in the 3rd page LIAR!!.

Told you: superman's son+ batman's son=Lex Luthor babysitting them. let's see if it's true or not 

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