Hello, everyone i'd like to talk about something that inspires me, some people who means a lot, even if they're not actually real. i don't expect you to guess who or what i'm talking about but try, if you can't here's a clue: superheros. i think you're near the answer but please do me a favor don't even think i'm going to talk about spiderman, hulk or other marvel superheros cause honestly i think they're dumb, i know what you're actually saying:"so are the others". But no, if you knew them like me and others dc fans, i'm sure you'll change your mind cause they're AWESOME! and i know what i'm talking about. so let's start by the most popular superheros: Batman and Superman, when i was about seven or eight years old i considered them as some boys stuff but some teen heros marked my life: the teen titans, after watching teen titans go, i began to love them but not as much as now so i searched for other animated series and i found teen titans, i watched it and loved it, that's how i became a teen titan fan, then recently after teen titans vs justice league aired i began to think if the others dc/warner bros animated movies were as cool and the answer to my question was : watch them all, so i did, first son of batman then batman vs robin then batman: bad blood that's how i met my new favourite superheros: batman and robin or should i say: Bruce and Damian Wayne.
I don't like the DC films cause it's based on the stories of parallel worlds and is totally different from the stories of the comic books we fluently read (primary earth), and i'd prefer them to stick with initial story: that's the difference between the movies and the animated films, the second is more near to the comic book but with some original adds.
i wanted to go further so i searched on "uncle" Google a website to read comics online free and i found more than one but i use more often that one because it has comics from the gold age, how cool is that?! the website's name is: www.readcomiconline.to.
so what was i saying? ah, that's how i became a big fan of dc comics they're everything for me so that's why i'm going to write all i know about them. Let's begin by richard "dick" grayson also known as Robin,agent 37 and Nightwing:

from when he was born richard was meant to be an acrobat like his family the Flying Grayson in Haly's circus , but one day when for the first time there was no safety net, a mafia boss (tony zucco) cutted the rope of their trapeze and mary and john falled and died, the young richard was chocked. In their funeral an inusual guest showed himself and fortunately for Richard proposed to take him under his wing and adopt him, Richard accepted and before he could say anything else he already was in wayne manor: property of bruce wayne, the richest man in Gotham City. He was welcomed by Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce's "butler" and also the person who raised him, and shown to his quarters. Dick was still intrigued because of his parents death so he began to search the cause. one day by coincidance, he discovered a secret passage that led him in the Batcave leading him to discover the true identity of Batman. Bruce then revealed to Dick that he was also searching for the cause of the rope to cut, Dick proposed to help him but Bruce refused saying that it was too dangerous. After finding some clues Batman went to the crime scene to invistigate and find out who the criminal was: tony zucco a mafia boss. Of course Richard wasn't going to stay in the manor and wait for Bruce to find his parent's murderer so he followed him but disguised in a green red and yellow suit with a mask to hide his eyes. after catching the criminal, Dick had the opportunity to avenge his parents but instead of letting tony zucco die he saved him and they delivered him to the police, when batman asked Dick why did he saved him, the other answered that even if he was the one who sabotaged the trapeze's line he wouldn't let him to be dead because of him or he will be like him and he don't want to abess himself to their level, those words made Batman proud and change his mind.
I don't like the DC films cause it's based on the stories of parallel worlds and is totally different from the stories of the comic books we fluently read (primary earth), and i'd prefer them to stick with initial story: that's the difference between the movies and the animated films, the second is more near to the comic book but with some original adds.
i wanted to go further so i searched on "uncle" Google a website to read comics online free and i found more than one but i use more often that one because it has comics from the gold age, how cool is that?! the website's name is: www.readcomiconline.to.
so what was i saying? ah, that's how i became a big fan of dc comics they're everything for me so that's why i'm going to write all i know about them. Let's begin by richard "dick" grayson also known as Robin,agent 37 and Nightwing:

from when he was born richard was meant to be an acrobat like his family the Flying Grayson in Haly's circus , but one day when for the first time there was no safety net, a mafia boss (tony zucco) cutted the rope of their trapeze and mary and john falled and died, the young richard was chocked. In their funeral an inusual guest showed himself and fortunately for Richard proposed to take him under his wing and adopt him, Richard accepted and before he could say anything else he already was in wayne manor: property of bruce wayne, the richest man in Gotham City. He was welcomed by Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce's "butler" and also the person who raised him, and shown to his quarters. Dick was still intrigued because of his parents death so he began to search the cause. one day by coincidance, he discovered a secret passage that led him in the Batcave leading him to discover the true identity of Batman. Bruce then revealed to Dick that he was also searching for the cause of the rope to cut, Dick proposed to help him but Bruce refused saying that it was too dangerous. After finding some clues Batman went to the crime scene to invistigate and find out who the criminal was: tony zucco a mafia boss. Of course Richard wasn't going to stay in the manor and wait for Bruce to find his parent's murderer so he followed him but disguised in a green red and yellow suit with a mask to hide his eyes. after catching the criminal, Dick had the opportunity to avenge his parents but instead of letting tony zucco die he saved him and they delivered him to the police, when batman asked Dick why did he saved him, the other answered that even if he was the one who sabotaged the trapeze's line he wouldn't let him to be dead because of him or he will be like him and he don't want to abess himself to their level, those words made Batman proud and change his mind.
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