Saturday, February 25, 2017

Ninjago season 7 hands of time

Yup, I'm also a Ninjago fan. Don't Judge Me Okay?!
It's just that it's maybe the best Lego show ever ( not maybe, definitely!!). So anyway have you guys watched the seventh season.Warning: I'm so going to spoil, well I did and guess what i speak French so NANANANER, i understood everything, but not at first.Before it aired in France i watched it on YouTube in Finnish, but i understood 5/20 words (seriously, before ninjago showed me, i didn't know that "Finnish" is a language, i just thought it was the ending scene or something like that) and thanks to "uncle Google Translate", i just heard what they were saying and repeated it and it translated itself. Last week by coincidence, i just typed "Ninjago Season 7 Hands Of Time" and i found it in french, i thought it was just a lie to get more views but it wasn't cause i saw the FRANCE 3 Logo on the top of one of the HoT's scenes (HoT is an abbreviation for hands of time).

So any way, if i want i can just translate it to you in English but it will take me some time but i'll do the transcripts first then we'll see where it'll get us, "Never put on tomorrow what can be done today" (what a wise old man you are Sensei Wu).
The ending of the season was such a cliffhanger (can't believe i have to wait another year for the conclusion, thanks to you Lego Ninjago Movie😒) we don't know who is Samurai X (theories: I think it's Pixal or jay's mother cause when Nya told her that red is her color X chose blue and it will revealed next season plus Tommy Andreasen said that season 8 will talk about elementary masters) neither if Wu is lost in time or not, we're still swimming in the fog when it's about the elementary masters (who is Cole's mother? What is Jay's mother's name? What relation does Zane have with his predecessor? Who is Cole's predecessor?) and also i want more Jaya !! (yeah i like Jay, and i'm a big fan of Skybound, it was the best season ever!!!) well, and Is Lloyd ready to take on the master's mantle? (master is such a big word especially that Lloyd is the youngest of them mentally it's Tommy Andreasen who said that)
Well i'm still going to make a review but not now all these things are mixing in my head. But let's kill some time with all these spoiler pictures😈😈 Mwahahahahaha.
She's really pretty, and talks like Jay they're so alike. LOL while fighting she's thinking about Cliff (a hint that they're married, she said that she thought they will finally go on their honey moon, it's like Jay when joking and thinking about Nya, both can't concentrate and talk, talk, talk. She's the only elementary master to have a speaking role except for Ice (i mean for the first time) I hope that Jay will meet her one day.But i still have one question is Cliff still alive? cause in Skybound he was dead but due to Jay's final wish this may have been erased making him still alive. But why doesn't Jay want to know more about his parents ? But still, he's my favorite of them all.
Jay screaming Kai, Nya he's the only one who was actually afraid for them, the others were like "Meh", and what i didn't get (spoiler alert) is that no one got sad when Kai told them that Wu was lost in time ( sorry but isn't it a bad new?) they were actually smiling.

LOL. Who ate his pudding ?

Kai!!! You ruined everything but we (Jaya fans) had our revenge when you rushed into that door

Again, Jay sad about his friends (that's what real friends are)

Yeah that's right Cole you didn't get used to your hands yet (Pinocchio master of lies) At least Jay drunk it.
all fans of ninjago i just did it!! just translated the 1st part of the last episode 74 !!!!!! just watch it i'm certain that's what they're saying cause i translated it myself

Friday, February 24, 2017

Review Super Sons #1

Just read Super Sons, no other word can express how i feel than "Wow". My gosh, I've been waiting for this book since its announcement and it was worth it, i'm still overwhelmed by it, just Wow.
I really love Damian and love how he interacts with Jon (he's still learning so let it go with the flow), I think that he should definitely find himself some friends and who better than the son of his father's former enemy, yep what makes Lex Luthor... their baby-sitter? hmm... That's weird and original !
Not going to spoil, shouldn't spoil, but who am i kidding?! It's a review so let the fun begin.
First, we get to see Kid Amazo and Blablabla...
then guess who? Damian on Jon's back and fighting some robots that look like them↓↓
LOL, Jon should definitely keep making fun of Damian being short (though he's still cute) ;-)

So then we see Jon waiting for the school bus then getting in it and starts to fight with some bullies. Later that day, they all start a snow ball fight (bullies vs Jon, Kathy and Alan) but the first side put rocks in the snowballs trying to make it more "interesting", fortunately Jon and his friends had an "angel" on their side like said Kathy or a ... Demon: Damian, who was disguised as a school bus driver saying that he was bored so he wanted to see how the other half lives (other half lives??😕) and then Jon asks Robin if he hasn't got classes back in Gotham and the other answers that he's home-schooled and shows him a mask that the other instantly recognizes and discovers that Robin faked being his substitute teacher last year which makes him amazed saying that he should've had the nerve to teach earth science to an entire class and the other replies that if his mother hadn't killed his professor he would've had his doctorate in Geology at seven years old, then Jon tries to mock Damian about when he learned to drive "eight years old?" he said but Robin corrects him that he actually learned it at five years old and puts his mask on to drive the students home.
The next page shows Damian training in the Batcave and Bruce going out earlier but when Robin starts to prepare himself to go out on patrol with him, Batman punishes him for blowing off his home study session but the other replies that he already know everything, after Batman asks Damian if he had given him his word about his studies and told him to keep it, then goes.
Then we get the Kent family or "Smith family" who unlike Bruce and Damian enjoy a happy and funny evening playing cards until superman goes out for a justice league mission. Then Damian suddenly came out of nowhere and  showed up in Jon's room while the other was trying to sleep then they start to argue but Damian reveals that he came so that Superboy can help him in an investigation.
The two super sons are then seen jumping over Metropolis and climbing Lex Corps skyscraper where they are caught by Lex himself.
I don't know about you but i'm not a big fan of this kind of drawing but i must admit that it fits perfectly with the comic. Jorge Jimenez did a great job in drawing Damian an Jonathan ,they two look cute and awesome. I'm not a big fan of the drawing of Bruce unmasked cause it doesn't make him look strong but kind of fat, and he is known for being handsome. But Jorge totally succeeded in drawing superman and Lois, we immediately recognize them.
Finally after more than four months of "the waiting process" (like would say Starfire) i am satisfied, What about you? let a comment and let me know about your thoughts about this book.

oof, rocks that must hurt

Damian to save the day, good job Damian that's why i love you so much😍

Are you that short Damian that you should wear that thing (whatever that is) to be at Jon's height. But don't worry i am also the short ( another Starfire reference) but not that short just normal.

what a prodigy you are Damian! Climbing mountains at four, kill sharks underwater in a swimsuit, take off the spook and tiger's head, drive at five, doctorate at seven Wow. My head is like"Syntax Error"

Easy Damian.

What a father-son relation you two have! But honestly that's your fault Batman, Damian has sacrificed lots of things to be with you and you still ignore him?! Why are you more close to Duke Thomas than to your own son?! I sincerely think that DC should add more Bruce/Damian in some stories cause even though their relationship developed during the Batman and robin comic book series they've like rebooted all their progress and now you all ask why is Damian so lonely, anxious and self confident?! you guys have to understand him, If my father was Batman I think i'd be in Arkham asylum long ago, at least Damian has a soft side that he hasn't shown yet but he has it so for God's sake UNDERSTAND HIM!!

 At least Jon hasn't got a family problem
Self-confident I like it!!

Jon you little Pinocchio!!!

Damian do you know you're a bad influence? just wait for daddy supey to get home 

"You'll never see me piggy-packing on your narrow shoulders" yeah that's right so now you're saying that we're blind, weren't you on Jon's back in the 3rd page LIAR!!.

Told you: superman's son+ batman's son=Lex Luthor babysitting them. let's see if it's true or not 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Lego Batman Movie review

Today i just watched The Lego Batman Movie and all i can say is that i didn't understand a thing but no kidding during the projection i kept saying in my head "what's going on here? What just happened?" it was only after the end of the movie that things got clearer (i think i didn't understand because i watched it in french, it's not that i don't understand french in the contrary i speak fluently french, it's just that there were some jokes that could only be  reprised in English for example butt-mobile and Bat-mobile if you translate it to french you get "prout-mobile" and that doesn't rime with "bat" so it's not funny anymore and plus at the cinema, we could barely hear a laugh even if it was funny so i guess that the jokes in English aren't as funny in french even though it's the same movie).
I really liked the beginning with the heart broken joker who just can't make batman admit that he is his greatest enemy and then batman singing he's batman, that's surely the best moment ever "nananananananana Batman!". But it was also sad to see how Bruce was lonely and scared of being a part of a family again, he was so afraid to lose it like he did before with his parents (Martha Kane and Thomas Wayne), and i also liked the reinterpretation of Richard Grayson; big eyeglasses, brown hair color... looks like a nerd, and um.. his optimism, wait he already has that. I begin to understand why they chose Richard over all the others robin ( a reason other than being the first Robin), i imagine if they had put damian💭 he would probably be the one who explodes Gotham City not Joker. And i also found funny the access code to the batcave being"iron-man sucks" my head was like " oh Snap!"

I was so into the movie that i almost cried in the end even though i didn't understand its jokes i just tried to peace it up with the trailer and translate it in English so that i can get it and it worked.
Here are some of my favourite quotes (from the trailer and the funny character interview below;-)

Batman: I really don't need anyone at any time ever, because i'm totally awesome and batman works alone.
Robin: Come on Batman let's get grooving.
Batman: Fact is i'm a team player, so i stay cool as long as they don't bother me or touch anything of my stuff.
Joker: Hey Batman, i'm rubbing my butt all over your stuff, we gotta rename this the butt-mobile. Well obviously i'm batman's greatest enemy no matter how much he may deny it, so when the studio asked me to be the main villain in this movie, i met the chance to work with him again. i mean let's face it there is no Batman without the Joker😴... and what i love about this movie the most is that it finally takes the time to explore my sensitive side, i mean yes i am a master criminal/ improve comedy genius BUT i'm also a nice guy and once batman finally realizes this i won't be just smiling on the outside i will be smiling on the inside too and that would be a nice relief...
Batman: HAHAHAHA hilarious!
Batman: This movie has everything: action scenes, chase scenes, building cool stuff, explosions, batman running, batman building, batman saving the city. I mean everything.
Alfred: Experience the very emotional story of a young English with the dream that he has held since childhood to become the most popular butler, the most famous butler.
Batman: In the end, everyone loves and respects me forever which i think is important, we're like a....
Robin: Batfamily!!
Batman: family might be a bit strong, i was gonna say more like me and my biggest fans
Batgirl: or you and your awesome team!
Batman: It's called the Lego BATMAN movie, just saying.
Robin: Oh you're such a great 'padre'
Batman: What're you doing?!
Robin: trying to give you a big old hug.
Batman: ah, thought you were attacking me.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Review Batman #16

Yesterday, i've read batman (2016) #16, and the part that i liked the most was surely the part where we see the tree former robins arguing. First we can see damian complaining about his meal and richard answering that it comes with a toy wich leads damian to conclude that he hates him(i can't say that i'm surprised) and of course jason, seeing an oportunity, asked for the toy but the other answered that the toy is his so jay provocated him by repeating his sentence wich of course leads damian to conclude that he hates them both, he was only praying that this toy isn't a red hood action figure or else he would kill someone( in the end it was revealed that the action figure was indeed in red hood's image) .Anyway, for the first time we get to meet the bat-family all in one place this year, but i don't think a fast food restaurant is the right place to meet, neither does bruce but like richard said they always meet in the cave, and they're tired of alfred's cucumber sandwiches. So he figured this would be more "familial" and normal (yeah cause it's normal to meet batman and robin in McDonald's) so like you can see bruce starts talking to the former robins about bane and  meanwhile jason steals damian's red hood action figure, when damian turns and realizes that his toy was missing, he immediately blamed jay but the other started provocating him by denying. Duke wasn't able to believe his eyes not because of knowing that bane was after the bat but because of bruce's "weird" way to eat a burger(with a fork and a knife ; but seriously have you ever seen an american eat a burger like that?) and nightwing showing him how his son eats a burger (duke turns to see damian throwing his burger on jay's face) but bruce suddenly shout and tell them to go out of gotham for five days so that he can save gotham girl and then he leaves the place. Jason, damian and richard starts plotting about how they will go fight bane but duke disapproved it and told them that he will not just ignore the bat, richard replied that ignoring batman's orders is pretty much the definition of being a robin but duke leaves saying that he is not Robin and he will not just ignore Bruce, and we have another fight of damian and jay about hair or whatever.
The second scene shows catwoman and batman on the roof of the GCPD...
The next scene shows bruce with alfred and gotham girl in the Wayne manor entering the Batcave where they find three dead damian, richard and jason with "I AM BANE" written on their chest.

Seriously i'm not buying it, first of all they can't be dead AGAIN, and second each of them is the main character of their comic book series(nightwing,red hood and the outlaws, teen titans,titans and super sons) wich are pretty much the garanty of them not being dead. So rest assured, plus like i said, DC comics will not kill them again: Red hood was already killed by the joker long ago, Damian was killed by the heretic in batman incorporated vol 2 #8 and nightwing was killed by lex luthor in  Forever evil  (actually he faked his death) or when he was killed by damian himself during the events of Injustice: gods among us wich is not a primary earth story so isn't considered as his death.
But like all of you there's one question that is turning in my mind now, if they live so who are those guys hanged in the batcave ? But what i think is that nightwing plotted the whole thing, i think he trapped bane OR it's bane who trapped batman by letting him believe it was his "sons" but actually were not. Cause if you read clearly and think for a second, you'll ask who was richard talking about when he said "smart kid"? was it Duke or damian? and what did he mean by that?
Of course the answers to all these questions will be in the next issue wich is airing next week on the 15th of february (the same day where super sons airs YAY!)
Here are some of my favourite pages😊:
I love the fight scene so cooooool

if you watch carefully you can see jason stealing damian's action figure

like father like son. one tries to eat his burger in a fancy way and the other throws it on other's faces, but in the end both of them don't eat it

Duke: All of you have been dead?! Am i going to be dead?😝

Bruce you left without eating your burger, but you know what? Go, your body is a temple remember? so don't eat that JUNKfood

Damian: Don't worry Todd, i'm sure Alfred can teach you the lost art of the comb over. Your hair is fine Jay stop worrying. and you Damian stay like you are😝

OH. MY. GOD (please don't be dead, please don't be dead...🙏